Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Heavy Heart...

It is with a very heavy and broken heart that I write this last post for cluffnstuff. After almost 5 years of marriage David and I are getting divorced. It doesn't matter who did what at this point because there is no going back to change it. I don't know where life will go from here or what is in store for me and my sweet kids. But one thing that I do know is that I am tough and I will be ok. Thanks to all of you who have been so supportive over the last few weeks. So with this event I say goodbye to the world of blogging--at least for a little while. I can't bring myself to continue blogging about my life right now. There will be happier times ahead that is for sure. But for now I need to find some closure and peace in my life. I'll be back to blogging again--with a new blog name. I'll even post a link to my new blog on here once I get it started. Farewell my cyberspace friends--see you soon!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Anna is 4 Months Old

Anna is 4 months old already! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. She is rolling over all the time now. She loves to be on her tummy. We put her to bed on her back and she usually ends up on her side or her tummy. She also has started playing with toys and reaching for things. We put the toy bars up on her swing and her bouncer. She loves it! And yes folks her eyes are still blue! I think they might just stay that way. Here are her 4 month stats:
Weight: 14.66 lbs~73 percentile~
Length: 23.82"~33 percentile~
Head Circumference: 16.2" ~54 percentile~
Joseph likes to read to Anna

He loves his baby sister!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th and 5th of July!

On the Fourth of July David had to work so I took the kids over to my mom's. We went over to Murray Days. I had told Joseph earlier in the week that he could get his face painted. So for 2 or 3 days he would point to his cheek and say "face." So we took him over to Murray Days to play some games and get his face painted. He got a firework painted on his face. He sat really still and loved it! He also got to play a few carnival games.

After he got his face painted we went back to my mom's house. She had set up the whole backyard with swimming pools and sprinklers and slip and slides. Joseph's cousins Riley, Johnny, and Eliza where all there to play in the pool too. Joseph really loves older kids so he loves to follow Riley around.

They where jumping from pool to pool. Joseph would do back flips into the water sometimes and he would stand up and smile and do it again. They also had a baby pool set up. But I didn't think that Anna would really enjoy it since she hates her baths! But Eliza loved it and Johnny loved playing in it with her! Johnny loves taking care of his baby sister!

After all the kids were done playing in the pool we had dinner and then went back over to Murray Park to watch the fireworks. We set up blankets on the ground. Erica brought some bubbles for the kids to play with. By this time Johnny had already fallen asleep so Joseph sat next to Eliza on the blanket and played with the bubbles.

Anna just chilled in her stroller. She didn't really mind the fireworks. In fact she ended up falling asleep during the show. Joseph thought it was cool for about the first 5 minutes and then he was ready to go home. It had been a really long day for him and he was tired. We had so much fun!

On Sunday we went over to my dad's for dinner and fireworks. We set up some camping chairs and the strollers on the lawn to let the kids watch the fireworks. Joseph wasn't too into the fireworks. You can tell by the look on his face in the pictures. We also had sparklers for the kids. I don't think that either one of the boys really thought they were very cool.

Joseph climbed in the stroller to sit next to Eliza and watch the fireworks.

We had a really fun week-end. Everyone was safe and no one got sunburned so it was great! I am so glad to live close to my family so that we can have these fun get-togethers!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer time...

We have been having so much fun this Summer! The kids out at West Ridge didn't have school today since tomorrow is the 4th of July. So they set up some of the inflatable toys for the kids to play on. They set them up right in our "backyard." Joseph was so excited to go out there and play. I was surprised because Joseph could actually climb up to the top by himself.

But then when he got to the top he suddenly became scared.

So Daddy saved the day by climbing to the top and sliding down.

We got a grill last week so we have been having grilled hamburgers almost everyday! Yum! It isn't really Summer until you start eating grilled hamburgers everyday! Joseph loves to go out and help daddy. Today he was just in his shirt and diaper and he heard daddy say that he was going to put his flip-flops on so of course Joseph had to put his flip-flops on too. So he was outside in his underwear and flip-flops helping grill burgers for lunch!